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Thursday, February 28, 2013

~Wheat Grass~& its Many Health Benefits~Black Folks Eating Right

 Wheat grass
Wheat grass is a root made from the common wheat plant and is growing in popularity as an ingredient in juicing. 
I often use wheat grass on my salads and I usually juice about ½ cup of wheat grass every so often.
Wheat grass can be taken fresh, powder or pill form.

Research has shown that Wheat Grass has incredible healing proprieties, such as, curing cancer, a cancer preventative, and detoxification, It helps oxygenate and alkalize the blood
Wheat grass contains 70% chlorophyll; it’s a powerful fighter and preventative of colon cancer.
Wheat grass extract absorbs free radicals....

Even though drinking wheat grass has been found to be beneficial drinking too much can lead to nausea and upset stomach.

You can get Wheat Grass at your local Whole Foods or Trader Joes, 
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