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Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The Healing Power of Journaling: Unveiling the Research Behind Mental Health Benefits

 The Healing Power of Journaling: Unveiling the Research Behind Mental Health Benefits**

In the midst of life's challenges and uncertainties, finding effective ways to support our mental well-being is paramount. One such method that has garnered increasing attention from researchers is journaling. Beyond its role as a mere writing exercise, journaling has emerged as a powerful tool for promoting mental health and emotional well-being. Let's delve into the research behind journaling's impact and explore how this simple practice can lead to profound improvements in mental health.

**Understanding the Research: How Journaling Impacts Mental Health**

Numerous studies have explored the therapeutic effects of journaling on various aspects of mental health, including stress, anxiety, depression, and overall psychological well-being. One notable study conducted by Pennebaker and Beall in 1986 found that expressive writing about emotional experiences led to significant improvements in mood and a reduction in symptoms of depression among participants.

Another study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology in 2017 examined the effects of journaling on anxiety levels among college students. The results revealed that participants who engaged in expressive writing experienced a reduction in anxiety symptoms and reported greater emotional clarity and insight.

Moreover, research has shown that journaling can enhance self-awareness, facilitate emotional processing, and promote adaptive coping strategies. By putting our thoughts and feelings into words, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our experiences, leading to greater resilience and psychological growth.

**Examples of Research Studies on Journaling and Mental Health**

1. **Pennebaker and Beall (1986)**: [Link to Study]
   This seminal study explored the effects of expressive writing on mood and depression symptoms, laying the groundwork for subsequent research on journaling's therapeutic benefits.

2. **Smyth et al. (1999)**: [Link to Study]
   This study investigated the effects of journaling on immune function, revealing a potential link between expressive writing and physical health outcomes.

3. **Baikie and Wilhelm (2005)**: [Link to Study]
   This meta-analysis examined the efficacy of therapeutic writing interventions for various mental health outcomes, including depression, anxiety, and trauma.

**Exploring Further: Resources for Additional Research**

For those interested in delving deeper into the research on journaling and mental health, the following resources provide valuable insights and information:

1. **American Psychological Association (APA)**: [Link to APA's Resources on Journaling]
   The APA offers an overview of the benefits of journaling for mental health, along with tips and strategies for incorporating journaling into your self-care routine.

   PubMed Central hosts a wealth of research articles and studies on various topics related to mental health, including the therapeutic effects of journaling.

   Psychology Today features articles and blog posts by mental health professionals exploring the science behind journaling and its applications for improving mental well-being.

In conclusion, the research on journaling and mental health underscores its profound therapeutic benefits. By engaging in regular journaling practices, individuals can enhance self-awareness, cope with stress and adversity, and cultivate greater emotional resilience. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of the mind, journaling stands out as a simple yet powerful tool for promoting mental health and well-being.

In conclusion, journaling is a powerful tool for reducing stress, solving problems, and unlocking creativity. With Eclectic Creations Steampunk Composition Notebooks, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and inspiration unlike any other. So why wait? Treat yourself to the therapeutic magic of journaling today and discover the transformative power of Eclectic Creations. ✨📔 #StressRelief #JournalingBenefits

Monday, February 19, 2024

Discovering the Therapeutic Magic of Journaling with Eclectic Creations Steampunk Composition Notebooks


Discovering the Therapeutic Magic of Journaling with Eclectic Creations Steampunk Composition Notebooks**

In today's fast-paced world, finding moments of calm amidst the chaos can feel like an elusive dream. However, there exists a simple yet powerful tool that can help alleviate stress and anxiety while igniting our creativity: journaling. With the aid of Eclectic Creations Steampunk Composition Notebooks, not only can we find solace in the act of writing, but we can also unlock the potential for problem-solving and even unearth inspiration for our next great novel.

**Journaling: A Path to Stress Relief and Anxiety Reduction**

The act of journaling has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety by providing an outlet for our thoughts and emotions. When we put pen to paper, we engage in a form of self-expression that allows us to process our feelings and gain perspective on our worries. By externalizing our thoughts, we can distance ourselves from them, thereby reducing their power over us.

Moreover, journaling can serve as a form of mindfulness practice, helping us to stay present in the moment and cultivate a sense of calm. By focusing our attention on the act of writing, we can quiet the incessant chatter of our minds and find a sense of peace amidst the chaos of daily life.

**Journaling as a Tool for Problem-Solving**

Beyond its role in stress relief, journaling can also be a powerful tool for problem-solving. When faced with a difficult decision or challenge, writing about it in a journal can help us gain clarity and insight. By articulating our thoughts and exploring different perspectives, we can often uncover solutions that were previously hidden from view.

Countless authors and creatives have turned to journaling as a means of generating ideas and solving creative problems. For example, J.K. Rowling famously conceived the idea for the Harry Potter series while on a train journey, jotting down her thoughts in a notebook. Similarly, Stephen King credits his daily journaling practice with helping him overcome writer's block and find inspiration for his novels.

**Eclectic Creations Steampunk Composition Notebooks: A Gateway to Creativity and Inspiration**

With Eclectic Creations Steampunk Composition Notebooks, journaling becomes more than just a therapeutic exercise—it becomes a journey of self-discovery and creativity. The unique and inspiring designs of our notebooks serve as a catalyst for imagination, transporting you to a world of Victorian-inspired wonders and fantastical adventures.

Imagine yourself sitting down with one of our beautifully crafted notebooks, pen in hand, ready to explore the depths of your mind and soul. As you fill the pages with your thoughts, dreams, and ideas, you'll find yourself immersed in a world of possibility, where stress melts away and creativity flourishes.

**Conclusion: Embrace the Power of Journaling with Eclectic Creations**

In conclusion, journaling is a powerful tool for reducing stress, solving problems, and unlocking creativity. With Eclectic Creations Steampunk Composition Notebooks, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and inspiration unlike any other. So why wait? Treat yourself to the therapeutic magic of journaling today and discover the transformative power of Eclectic Creations. ✨📔 #StressRelief #JournalingBenefits

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Unlocking Creativity: Journal Writing, Dream Capture, and Self-Care with Eclectic Creations Composition Notebooks

🌟📝 Ready to unlock your innermost thoughts and dreams? Dive into the art of journal writing with Eclectic Creations Composition notebooks! 🚀✨ Keep a journal by your bedside, and as you awake, capture the magic of your dreams before they fade. 🌙✨ Over time, this simple practice can lead to profound insights and inspiration, guiding your decisions and fueling your creativity. Who knows? Your dreams may even become the next great novel! 📖✨ Plus, with the quality and beauty of Eclectic Creations Composition notebooks, owning one isn't just about writing—it's about self-care and nurturing your soul. Treat yourself to the perfect journaling companion and start your journey of self-expression today! 💫📔 #Journaling #Expression #SelfCare [Link to Eclectic Creations Composition Notebooks] 🌿

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Exploring the Rich History of Steampunk: A Journey of African American Expression

**Title: Exploring the Rich History of Steampunk: A Journey of African American Expression**

Steampunk, with its blend of Victorian aesthetics and futuristic technology, has captivated imaginations around the world. But beyond its mechanical marvels and retro-futuristic charm lies a deeper history—one that resonates with diverse communities, including African Americans, who have found their own unique ways to incorporate steampunk into their lives.

**A Brief History of Steampunk**

Steampunk emerged in the late 20th century as a subgenre of science fiction, drawing inspiration from the Victorian era and the industrial revolution. It envisions an alternate history where steam power remained the dominant form of technology, leading to a world filled with elaborate machinery, airships, and clockwork contraptions.

While steampunk's roots lie in the works of authors like H.G. Wells and Jules Verne, its aesthetic and themes have evolved over time to encompass diverse cultures and perspectives. Today, steampunk is more than just a literary genre—it's a vibrant subculture that spans literature, art, fashion, and more.

**African American Influence in Steampunk**

African Americans have played an integral role in shaping the steampunk movement, infusing it with their own unique experiences, perspectives, and artistic expressions. From reimagining historical narratives to celebrating cultural heritage, African American steampunks have brought a fresh perspective to the genre.

One way African Americans have incorporated steampunk into their lives is through fashion. By blending Victorian-inspired attire with elements of African American heritage, such as traditional fabrics, hairstyles, and accessories, they have created stunning ensembles that celebrate both past and present.

Moreover, African American steampunk have used the genre as a platform for storytelling and activism. Through literature, art, and performance, they have explored themes of identity, social justice, and empowerment, reclaiming narratives that have long been overlooked or marginalized.

**Looking Ahead**

As steampunk continues to evolve, African Americans will undoubtedly continue to play a vital role in shaping its future. By embracing steampunk's spirit of innovation, creativity, and inclusivity, they will continue to enrich the genre with their unique perspectives and experiences.

In conclusion, the history of steampunk is a testament to the power of imagination and creativity to transcend boundaries and bring people together. African Americans have made invaluable contributions to the steampunk movement, weaving their stories and identities into its intricate tapestry. As we look to the future, let us celebrate the diversity and richness of steampunk and the myriad ways it continues to inspire and empower us all.

📝✨ Ready to unleash your creativity? Dive into the world of journal writing with Eclectic Creations Steampunk Composition notebooks! 🚀✨ Our notebooks are the perfect tool to bring your thoughts and ideas to life. Plus, many of the stunning images you love are available right on our notebook covers! 🎨✨ Click the link below to order yours today and start your journey of self-expression with Eclectic Creations! 👇 #Journaling #Creativity #SteampunkCompositionNotebooks [Link] 📔.

All photos are Ai generated.

Unleash Your Creativity: The Art of Expression through Journal Writing with Eclectic Creations Steampunk Composition Notebooks

Title: Unleash Your Creativity: The Art of Expression through Journal Writing with Eclectic Creations Steampunk Composition Notebooks

In a world filled with noise and distraction, finding avenues for authentic self-expression can be a challenge. Fortunately, there exists a timeless and versatile medium that allows us to explore our innermost thoughts, feelings, and ideas with complete freedom: journal writing. At Eclectic Creations, we believe in the transformative power of journaling as a means of self-discovery and creative exploration. That's why we've crafted our Steampunk Composition Notebooks to be the perfect companion for your art journaling needs.

Express Yourself through Journal Writing

Journal writing is more than just putting pen to paper—it's a deeply personal and cathartic process that allows us to connect with ourselves on a profound level. Whether you're jotting down daily reflections, sketching out new ideas, or brainstorming creative projects, journaling offers a safe space for uninhibited self-expression.

With our Steampunk Composition Notebooks, you can embark on a journey of artistic discovery unlike any other. Each notebook is meticulously designed to inspire creativity and imagination, featuring intricate steampunk motifs and rich, vibrant colors that evoke a sense of wonder and adventure. Whether you're a seasoned artist or a novice doodler, our notebooks provide the perfect canvas for bringing your ideas to life.

Why Choose Eclectic Creations Steampunk Composition Notebooks?

Unique and Inspiring Designs: Our Steampunk Composition Notebooks feature one-of-a-kind designs that are sure to spark your imagination. From intricate gears and cogs to whimsical Victorian-inspired illustrations, each notebook is a work of art in itself.

High-Quality Materials: We believe in quality craftsmanship, which is why our notebooks are made from premium materials that are built to last. With durable covers and smooth, acid-free paper, our notebooks provide the perfect surface for all your creative endeavors.

Versatile and Functional: Whether you're using our notebooks for journaling, sketching, planning, or note-taking, they're designed to adapt to your needs. With ample space for writing and drawing, as well as convenient features like a built-in bookmark and elastic closure, our notebooks offer both style and functionality.

The Therapeutic Art of Journal Writing: A Gateway to Stress Reduction and Creative Expression

**Title: The Therapeutic Art of Journal Writing: A Gateway to Stress Reduction and Creative Expression**

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy to become overwhelmed by the myriad of thoughts, tasks, and responsibilities that constantly bombard us. However, amidst this chaos, there exists a simple yet powerful tool that can serve as a beacon of calm and creativity: journal writing.

**Stress Reduction through Journaling**

Journaling has long been recognized as a therapeutic practice that can help individuals manage stress and anxiety. The act of putting pen to paper and articulating one's thoughts and emotions can provide a sense of clarity and release. By externalizing our worries and fears onto the pages of a journal, we gain perspective and distance ourselves from the sources of our stress.

Studies have shown that journaling can significantly reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in the body. Additionally, writing about traumatic or challenging experiences has been linked to improvements in both physical and psychological well-being. By confronting and processing our emotions through journaling, we can effectively cope with stressors and cultivate resilience in the face of adversity.

**Fostering Creativity through Journaling**

In addition to its therapeutic benefits, journaling also serves as a powerful tool for unleashing creativity. Whether through writing, drawing, or doodling, journaling provides a safe space for free expression and exploration. The blank pages of a journal are an open canvas, inviting us to experiment with words, images, and ideas without fear of judgment or limitation.

Engaging in regular journaling exercises can help stimulate our imagination and inspire new insights and perspectives. By allowing our thoughts to flow freely onto the page, we can tap into our innate creativity and discover new ways of thinking and being. Whether we're jotting down story ideas, sketching out designs, or simply jotting down random thoughts, journaling encourages us to embrace our unique voice and vision.

**Getting Started with Journal Writing**

If you're new to journaling, getting started is easier than you might think. Begin by setting aside a few minutes each day to sit down with your journal and write whatever comes to mind. Don't worry about grammar, punctuation, or spelling—just let your thoughts flow freely.

Experiment with different journaling techniques and prompts to keep your practice fresh and engaging. You might try writing morning pages to clear your mind before starting your day, keeping a gratitude journal to cultivate a positive mindset, or engaging in stream-of-consciousness writing to tap into your subconscious thoughts and feelings.

Remember, there are no rules when it comes to journaling—simply let your intuition be your guide and allow yourself to enjoy the process. Whether you're seeking stress relief, creative inspiration, or simply a moment of self-reflection, journaling can be a valuable tool for nurturing your mind, body, and spirit.

In conclusion, journal writing offers a myriad of benefits, from stress reduction to creative expression. By incorporating journaling into your daily routine, you can cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness, resilience, and joy. So why not pick up a pen and start writing today? Your mind, body, and spirit will thank you for it.

Click the link (here) to get your beautifully crafted composition notebook.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Bruh, What's New with You? Composition Notebook (Eclectic Creations Steampunk)

"Bruh, What's New with You notebook" a writing journal is a personal space where you can express your thoughts, feelings, opinions, and experiences. You can also use it to practice your writing skills, explore your creativity, and learn new things. Writing in a journal may help one de-stress, feel happy, or/and gain clarity about yourself and your goals.
This 8x10 notebook and 200 pages is perfect for those ideas.

How Sweet It Is Composition Notebook

"How Sweet it is?' Notebook is a writing journal is a personal space where you can express your thoughts, feelings, opinions, and experiences. You can also use it to practice your writing skills, explore your creativity, and learn new things. Writing in a journal may help one de-stress, feel happy, or/and gain clarity about yourself and your goals.
This 8x11 notebook and 200 pages is perfect for those ideas.

Anything you want. Notebook

"Anything you want notebook" is a writing journal is a personal space where you can express your thoughts, feelings, opinions, and experiences. You can also use it to practice your writing skills, explore your creativity, and learn new things. Writing in a journal may help one de-stress, feel happy, or/and gain clarity about yourself and your goals.
This 8x10 notebook and 200 pages is perfect for those ideas.

Eclectic Creations Steampunk Composition Notebooks.

"Write Down Your own recipe notebook" This notebook is the perfect book to right down all the cool Tiktok recipes you have found. This 8x11 organized recipe notebook is perfect for that.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Susan B(itch) Anthony & the Fake Shared Suffrage Movement

Politics and history go hand in hand especially when it comes to understanding what is going on in America today.

As I am typing up this blog, Bloomberg is buying the Democrat Party in real time, proving to me that the auction block has never disappeared, it has transformed however the goal is still the same, to shut Negros up and/or to silence us into demanding what is rightful ours pure reparations.

               However this blog is about the founder of the Women’s Suffrage Movement and her conversation with Frederick Douglass in who should have more “input” on who has the right to vote.
Due to the demands that Ados is placing on politicians, I’ve been hearing this phrase go around called Oppression Olympics, meaning that others will bring up Immigrants or other minority groups that “just” arrived to America and compare their “poverty or struggle(s)” as if, it is the same as; black Americans’ long time, and well documented; history of oppression.

               Here is a short conversation between Susan B and Frederick D. :

“When women, because they are women, are hunted down through the cities of New York, and New Orleans, and when they are dragged from their homes and hung upon a lamp-post.
When their children are torn from their arms and they brains dashed out upon the pavement, when they are objects of insults and outrage at every turn, and when they are in danger of having their homes burnt down over their heads… when their children are not allowed to enter schools; then they will have an urgency to obtain the ballot of EQUAL to our own.”

Susan B (itch). Anthonys’ reply:
…”If you will not give the whole loaf of suffrage to the entire people, give it to the most intelligent first. IF intelligence, justice and morality are to have precedence in the government, let the question of women be brought up first and that of the Negro last”…

Politics and history go hand and hand and we are witnessing today how liberal democrats are willfully ignoring the continue oppression of the United States government on a single group of people Ados…

Other quotes from her: “I will cut off this right arm of mine before I will ever work or demand the ballot for the Negro and not the woman,”

“Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are people who want crops without ploughing the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning; they want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be both. But it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.”

Sunday, December 15, 2019

They Were Her Property...My Thoughts #ADOS

What I found sinister as well as ingenious was how white wealth was held in the families. The female would get the slaves and the sons would get the land, that way when they moved on and married other people it was a match made in heaven, she had the slaves to work the land she just married into.
White women were very much a part of slavery and all its dealings. However; we have been programmed to believe that white women were innocent  when it came to slavery and that they were not aware of “men folks business.”
On the contrary, many were being groomed into being successful slave mistresses, just as their counter-parts.

From the book: They Were Her Property: White Women who were Slave Owners in the American South, many slaves were giving to white women as wedding gifts…one slave recalls that one of his owners gave his daughter “50 niggers as a gift…”
I find it interesting that early on during slavery… black women were discourage in having children; because it took away from their “white women bearing children…”, but in 1808 when slavery became illegal from Africa. That law drastically effect white folks income…therefore the prize was child-bearing enslaved females, so they could now breed and begin to record those unions and off-springs…

Slave owning females are recorded forcing their female slaves to have sex with different black men…it did not matter whether that black female was “married.”
One of the many stories of white slave owning women was that how one- started with 30 slaves; however within 10 years she had over 100 all she created mixing and matching black men or any other ((white)) man that paid “the right price” impregnating her “good-nigger gals…”  One slave recalls hearing his white slave owner saying “she wouldn’t depart from her favorite breeding nigger girl for no amount of money!…”

                    Because white women had loss their legal rights to their goods…if there was not a legal letter stating that their property was solely theirs before they got married. When I women got married she was called a “feme covert or married woman. Many white women fathers would leave wills stating that they gave slaves to their daughters to use at their own well and not to be included with their husbands property…that way this legal paper protected their daughters property from her (future) husband(s) misfortunes… because many white men did lose a lot of their belongs and the creditors would sometimes try and take their wives property for payment.
Even though white woman had some restrictions, they at least had the opportunity to have their voices be heard thru the courts, without fear of being killed, raped or their husbands being mutilated for speaking up.
         It was also believed that enslaved peoples didn’t understand what was going on around them, this is a myth: according to the recordings left by freed and former slaves “they were very aware…” what their owners** were doing; considering it was them that was being sold. Many enslaved people also knew what would happen if their owners died with NO will(s) and the risk of being sold to someone else.

                    White women were often at odds with their mates, even though they had some say when their husbands fucked up, they also wanted some form of protection (law) and would often fight for it. Also, white women did not like their husbands very much, and I feel that most white women got married because of their religious beliefs, but more so for social status. And they reproduced with these men only because they both were on the same understood, that nothing was in their way in creating wealth and a legacy.

Yet black people did not have this luxury. We were shipped here together; as a collective, as one unit. We are in this fight together, there is no individual success story, even with white families today; as well as the past, and there was not just one individual that was successful. It was a network, a joint effort to make sure that the wealth stayed in the family…and they made sure that every slave they owned-that those descendants of those slaves-they owned as well.


My thoughts and understanding on the Book: They Were Her Property
A  ADOS book club selection.

**slaves did not refer to their owners as “master”

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Advocate From Where you are...#Ados

         Having information about the racial wealth gap is not supposed to make you sad or depress it’s a tool to help you understand and have the ability to advocate for yourself and your group. The information provided is not intended to have some negative emotional impact on you. 
It is a tool for you to use for your politics, you are in charge of your own internal life and your own feelings. Deal with them accordingly
This is information is for you to just see things as for what it is; as opposed to what you think it should be. 
You are to do politics at the point of where you are now, not where you want to be.

What we suffer from as a group is “structural impediments”-that can be understood as aspects of the external environment that limits to the extent that there are no possible points of agreement.
And these impediments cannot be solved by one individual. This is why charity does not work, evidently that funds run out. Societies are not built on charity; they are built on taxation and re-distribution.
Philanthropy is not the answer.
If these politicians are not speaking about how the structure of society is or if they are not speaking about the hierarchy that is impeded in this society then they are not talking about change. More than likely if they are not speaking about trans-formative change, they have benefited from the status quo…
Ados people need the government the most, yet we are the quickest to condemn the government as “the white man” or “the enemy” my favorite: " I aint beggin" for no hand-outs"….

Michael Bloomberg’s billion $ status is due to government funding and loans…(welfare)*

After graduating from John Hopkins University with a degree in Engineering and dropping into Harvard University to pick up a quick MBA…One of Michael Bloomberg’s first job was with the Investment Bank of Solomon Brothers of New York City. He was to count out the millions of stocks and bonds in the banks vaults. His quick thinking and work ethnics, he soon rose to the ranks of partner at the young age of 30.

I was lucky: Bloomberg stats… My father (a Russian jew) was a bookkeeper who never made more than $6,000 a year**. But I was able to afford Johns Hopkins University through a National Defense student loan, and by holding down a job on campus. My Hopkins diploma opened up doors that otherwise would have been closed, and allowed me to live the American dream.

((TheNational Defense Education Student Loan Act- The National Defense Education Act was signed into law on September 2, 1958, providing funding to United States education institutions at all levels. NDEA was among many science initiatives implemented by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1958…))
**also 6000$ a year in 1940 is $107, 000 in 2019...Bloomberg family was well off...
Use Dollar Times calculator to figure out money in the past and now...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

And you can still just be... #ados #adospolitics #blackagenda

Conscious people are not grounded…most live inside their heads. Many of their ideology is based on aspiration and not reality.
I understand why they thing the way they do from my own experience with that same belief. I too, have heard about all the conspiracy theories…like presidents are selective not elected, that both parties are the slave masters and people who vote are choosing the better master…Now, don’t get me wrong, with all the mess that has taken place in the government, I do understand the “stand-off-ness” when it comes to politics.
These enlighten people believe if they just fix themselves then the problems around you or us will be fixed.  (7 Laws) I believe that, that is only half the issue. There is also this saying “I am in this world, not OF this world”…but you are IN this world tho. Most of us have some sort of physical activities like: your job, and your daily life…if you are trying to buy a home, or if you are seeking a new job or traveling to other countries or states…some form of politics is involved.
Spirituality or Spiritualism has turned into a religion and damn near a cult…with this group think atmosphere. Many have used this “hidden knowledge path” as a shield or tool to not be involved in their communities and to flee those same communities, believing it’s some sort of “Jefferson’s” success.
It is easy to say “the government ain’t neva’ gonna do anything for you.” OR the “white man” is this or that…my favorite is “you just are food for the establishment and those energies are feeding off you”…
The government is not your daddy! You have to demand inclusion…
Sitting back complaining (key board warriors)), or lighting candles during the full-moon is laziness…
                          Prayer without action is noise...

When Social Security came out in the 1930’s African Americans, black folk, were not included in the plan..

In the social security act of 1935 might never have passed without the support from the 141 Democrats from the southern states…many of the Democrats only supported the bill after it got tweaked in committee, so that it excluded farm workers and maids, which represented two-thirds of black workers in the south. ((source))
We fought to be included.

Almost three-fourths (72 percent) of African American beneficiaries rely on Social Security for at least half their income, compared to less than two-thirds (65 percent) of all beneficiaries. Almost 50 percent of African American beneficiaries rely on Social Security for 90 percent or more of their income. ((source))

        It is important to advocate for self not only in the outer- worlds, with libations, honoring the ancestors, and always in healing self…
However ;on this realm, you must also advocate for self, yet understand that there are others who have that same understanding that “we” can come together and FOCUS  on tangibles from our government, that we can demand reparations and redress and demand trans-formative policies to repair the racial wealth gap that is destroying our communities…

And you can still...just be

Monday, November 18, 2019

Giving aid to cause-ADOS

Since I’ve been studying this “new” political path, it is hard to disgust that fact that so many Ados people are fighting so hard against reparations-redress and trans-formative policies. 

These people I speak of are the ones that have a blue check on twitter and some work for major media outlets.

I assumed that if they listened to Yvette Carnell* and Antonio Moore** and what the data shows, understanding that they are not just “lip” service…and with the information that they share would begin their own research on the topic and why the racial wealth gap happened and what you can do politically in your local community by changing individuals (that happen to work in the government), with the data and information one has collected. And that being in front of a "specific" cause does help in making change(s) for your community. Ados message has always stressed the importance of having black politics in your daily life.

My thought is they have to stay “willfully ignorant” in order to keep the positions they are in.
These people are in “high positions” because they were chosen to be there.

      Recognizing that does not diminish the hard work and dedication one did to achieve their goals.
It is just the owners of these platforms they work for, can decide to take all that away…just because you are no longer needed.

You (micro) have no protections. (This is where the government comes in). Ados (macro) are demanding protection(s) for us ALL. IN turn will help you (micro) be protected.
I don’t understand how any of this advocacy- “giving aid to cause” harms them…

Unless… they are afraid…

SN: the current protection laws that were supposed to protect us from discrimination have been flatten or outright gutted, and if you have a case you will need capital to hire an arbitrator to take the case on your behalf…

*Yvette Carnell is a political commentator and has work for the democrat party for many years.

**Antonio Moore has been a Defense attorney in Los Angles Ca. for over 10 years.

Our Allies...Paul Sower...


Show me someone who never makes a mistake and I'll show you someone who never does anything.