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Friday, February 19, 2010

My New Color-Natural Hair

One of the best things about being natural is the colors you can add to our hair. One of the changes I love to make with my hair is color. I could not do that when I was relaxing my hair, and I had plenty of dumb ideas I thought would love so nice on me. Turned out to damage and destroy my hair.  But that was then this is now and I know better. So, today after having a lovely dinner with my family. I took some pictures of my hair.
10 months since my BC…
Fantansia IC Styling Gel…still wet after 3 hours.


April! said...

I LOVE that color! What brand and color is this please? Might rock it for the summer.

Mingz said...

Oh gosh I wish I could remember its been so long ago. And because i love to color my hair. I add and mix things all the time.


Show me someone who never makes a mistake and I'll show you someone who never does anything.